Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Situation

I can definitely bet all my money (which is not much) that most people are freaking out because of the economic crisis. Just a couple of days ago, I saw on the news that the state of California is facing bankruptcy.
To be honest, I had no idea that was even possible. The UN's goal to eradicate extreme poverty by 2015 is obviously not coming true 
I am not being pessimistic; I am being realistic. The truth hurts. 
Now going back to the article "California Declares Electricity Emergency", I find that politically unsettling. Why? The article states: "About a third of all California's power is produced at gas-fired plants, but these are being forced to switch to oil to run their generators,"
Now what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read this? Being the conspiracy theorist and paranoid person that I am, only one thing comes to my mind: All countries that have a surplus of oil are at risk of going through what Iraq has been through. The article titled "Iraq, the Current Oil Crisis and American Mismanagement" quotes the author of 'The Ultimate Prize- Oil and Saddam's Iraq', Ranjit Singh Kalha: "control over Iraqi oil is an economic necessity, a strategic, a strategic requirement according to US National Security Directives."

What is even more disturbing is the fact that we will eventually run out of oil. Then what? I did think of several scenarios, but this written discussion between Jeremy Leggett (CEO of Solarcentury) and David Jenkins (former chief technology adviser to the BP group) is more interesting to read
I think I caused enough concern and paranoia for today... Until next time.


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